Be Joyful in Hope: our mission is to give hope and joy to Ukraine orphans.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aug 4 appointment date

The appointment date is still scheduled for Aug 4. They do not feel it will be moved up. They hope to have the plane tickets on Aug 8 and return Sept 4. They have not bought the plane tickets yet. Please keep praying. Appointment dates have been moved up before. We would like to host as long as possible. Thanks!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

August Arrival

The hosting company called today to say the visa appointment date was set for August 4. The earliest they will travel is August 5. School starts September 1. They will have to be back before September 1.
When they notify us of the plane ticket dates we will plan a new schedule. Unfortunately they will be here a shorter time. We do hope to get them to a doctor, dentist and eye doctor during their visit. We still hope to take them to Montgomery, Huntsville and the beach. We will have less days in the host home.
Many of us are disappointed by this news. It was stated the latest they would arrive would be this week. We are glad they do have appointment dates and are expected to be able to travel.
Please pray.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


There has been apointment date set for visas. It is later than we would like and they are trying to move the date up. If air tickets are available they could travel the day after the apointment.
Please pray for visas.