Be Joyful in Hope: our mission is to give hope and joy to Ukraine orphans.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Schedule part 2

July 18 Girls window shop
July 19 TN Aquarium
July 20 (birthday party for friend) Pump it Up (all 9 invited!)
July 21 Swimming with Suzi and girls
Evening - The Basement

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our schedule changes. Changes are updated under the schedule heading. Ira ran a fever the night they were to spend the night with friends. We hope to reschedule it soon. She had still not completely recovered. Thankfully Rita and the rest of the children have not gotten sick.
The girls have been with us 3 weeks. They are blending in with the family. We have had some great times.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


We would like the girls to go to an aquarium, zoo, muesum, and other outings while they are here. They have requested a water park. If anyone would like to sponsor the girls or a girl for and outing please let me know.
We did receive donations to bring the girls here. We have not received any other donations for the hosting program this year.
If you would like to sponsor and outfit: shorts and a tank $20. We have bought them swimsuits, sweater, belt, earings and etc. They need a carry on suitcase (the largest allowed).
We have recently adopted 3 children. We have 4 biological. Now we are hosting 2 orphans. Yes, we have 9 children living in the house for summer.
Ephesians 2:10
We truly believe God called us to do this. From all we have been through we have even more faith in God. We do not doubt He will provide.
Our God is amazing. His blessings are endless.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

They are here: schedule

Ira and Rita are in our home for the summer!
We are working on the schedule.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

June 28 Church - Grace Chapel
5:00 Fish fry - Palmerdale Baptist
June 29 Host Home
June 30 Free Movie and shopping
July 1 Pic nic and firworks at The Church at Bradford Road
July 2 Swim at The Gardens
July 3 Swim at Z
July 4th Celebrate the 4th at Dr Dean and Tina Naden's -Smith Lake
July 5 Church - Grace Chapel -Dinner with Nanny
July 6 AL Adventure
July 7 Rest day
July 8 Free movie at 10 a.m. (Heather 12)
July 9 (Heather party)
July 10 craft day
July 11 Rest day host home
July 12-17 Vacation Bible School - Palmerdale Baptist - evening
July 12 Church - Grace Chapel - evening Shaw's home
July 13 Ice cream outing. Visit friend.
July 14 Dr Dean and Tina Naden's
July 15 Dollar Movies and Galleria
July 16 Host Home
July 17 Swim Z