Hosting dates June - August 20, 2008
6 orphans and a guardian from the Ukraine.
June 14 & 15 - BBQ at Palmerdale Baptist
Why are we hosting Ukraine orphans? There are over 100,000 orphans in Ukraine. 10% of them kill themselves before they are 18. Why? 60% of the girls end up in prostution. Orphanage boys have a 27% chance of getting a job. These children have a 1% chance of being adopted. Most must leave the orphanage at 16 with incomplete educations.
They need hope! We want to give them hope. We would like to give them a summer to remember. We plan on taking them to area attractions, swimming, and much more.
The cost: $2,500 per orphan to bring them to Atlanta.
This does not include anything in the U.S.
Biggest need: prayer.
If you or your church would like to help other needs: new clothes, paper products (plates, forks, toliet paper), food, meal(s), fruit, bottled water, juice boxes, gift cards for gas or clothes, new shoes, or sponsor a field trip. If you or your church has a 12 or 15 passenger van that we could borrow for trips that would be a blessing.
We would love to have lots of volunteers and churches working with us this summer to bless these children. There is still time to pick a day to help. Groups are encouraged to visit, provide meals, sponsor activities and just play with the orphans. Contact host to set up visits.
Volunteers needed: Field trips friends, cooking, drivers, dentist, eye doctor, host a day outing and much more.
Thank you to Grace Chapel for their love and support.
Thank you to Living Word Church, Jane Anderton and friends for the plant/yard sale on May 24.
Thank you to Palmerdale Baptist for the Boston Butt BBQ June 14-15.
Thank you to our family and friends for their prayers, love and support.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and fautless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
You may call or email: 527-7677