Soon the girls will be returning to Ukraine. 12 days left before the go. They will have one day off and then back to school.
We will be getting them luggage, candy, school clothes and small items to take home with them. They have asked for the candy to take to their friends. We will probably need 50--60 goody bags.
Most of our friends have started school. We have not made a schedule for the next few days. We will plan things on a daily basis. The children do not handle cancelation well. So for the last few weeks I have tried to not tell them the plans unless they are certain. They are asking to go to the beach. If you would like to see the girls before they leave, call me. We would love for you to visit with them.
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. I John 3:18 I hope they know we have tried to love them as our own; that families have rules for a reason; that in life you can't alway have what you want and you have to work for what you want; that their are Christian people who care about them and love them.