We look forward to teaching, playing, feeding and seeing the orphans. In a few hours we will be in Ukraine. We are in Texas on our first layover. The rest of the group is playing Phase 10. My time is being spent, well I'm updating the blog and answering emails.
We are partnering with a church in Bucha to teach Bible to orphans. God showed me His plan on my trip in February to Ukraine. I am amazed at God's plan. He had every piece of the puzzle worked out and I just am honored to be a part of it. We are already discussing camp for next year. Several have asked us about going in the fall. We are seeking God's guidance and plan. Please pray with us. We want to be in His perfect will.
We are hoping to have internet access at camp. I have asked the team for the first week to each blog some about their trip. They will introduce themselves.
We are working on the details for the hosting trip August 12-31. Ten orphans will be in one home for a cultural exchange. This blog is for both events; camp in Ukraine and hosting in the U.S.