Today is my birthday and all in the house know it. They have been reminding me for days. I'll be cooking breakfast for 20.
These orphans are people with hearts and faces. With hearts so big that when we tell them they can spend $10 at the store some of them spend $4, $5 and more on me! I protested to the $4 Mom card. I insisted someone tell them to make me one instead. By the time we left the store they were all over budget because several were getting me gifts I was getting them $5 dresses. That is humbling. That is a blessing. I'm about to be the proud owner of a mom cup from one of the orphans. I have been their mom for the past 2 weeks and they are grateful for the time here in our home. I fix their hurts, kiss their heads, hug them, tell them I love them and will soon send them back. I've encouraged them to read the Bible and pray. I tell them God will "never leave them nor forsake them".
They have had more than one mom while they are here. We have had moms come drive them, play with them, cook for them, sponsor trips and bless them in many ways. Thank you to all the families and friends that have come out and spent time with the orphans.
This may be their only chance to be a part of a family. I hope they take what they have learned and choose well for themselves. We have talked about not settling and marring someone who drinks, smokes or cusses. We have discussed that God loves them and we are to love one another. We have sat together as a family having awesome devotions. I'll miss it.
Most of you know we have 4 biological children. After 3 it was not hard to even the number to 4. With one it seemed overwhelming and all time consuming. Most parents wonder if they could love another child as much. When the next one comes you do. They are unique and different and special in their own way. We love them all. It was the same in adding 3. Could we love them like our own. I knew from the moment that I knew who God was calling us to adopt that I did love them. They are all different and yes treated differently.
My oldest adopted daughter has friends that are now prostitutes in Ukraine. These girls have a horrible future ahead of them. It has been a reality check for her. She knows she is blessed to be here. She loves God and she loves us. She is doing a beautiful job translating for prayers, Bible and whatever is needed. I love that she is safe in our home and blessing others.
Yes, at times I'm overwhelmed. I'm responsible for 18 children. Ok, no problem. The overwhelming part is sending 12 back to an orphanage. These are great kids that have sad futures ahead of them. Over 60% of the girls end up in prostitution. The boys have only a 30% chance of getting a job. They are "graduated" from the orphanages at 15 or 16. They have no support from family to help them through trade school or college. We have a 15 year old here and two 14 year olds. What will their future be?So for my birthday I'd like the plane tickets paid. I'd like to go forward with camps next summer in Ukraine and in the US. I'd like to hire 2 Ukrainians @ $200 a month to work in their own country as missionaries to orphans and the poor. My wish is big. My life if full. Full on ministry and being a mom. Doing what I know God called me to do. This started as a mission of our family. Hosting 8 in 2008. This in 2011 with 2 weeks of camp, hosting 12 and raising funds for missionaries. God is growing our ministry. If you are willing help us to serve orphans and bless them. Tax deductible donations can be made to Living Word Ministries, PO Box 1085, Pinson, AL 35126.
May God bless you and the orphans.