I was disappointed to have such small gifts for the orphans. No time to shop. No luggage for each child. I'm with them almost every minute of the day. They were so excited this morning. We did a devotion and took a vote on who wanted to go apple picking, 11 0f the 12. Ricky was to take them to pick apples and I planned to cook lunch. I let them know there would be a birthday party for all 12 after lunch. Someone donated cakes, another donated chips and party supplies, another veggies, another ice cream, everything we needed for the party. Several sent or brought gifts. Simple gifts like a bag with bubbles and candy or glow sticks or coloring supplies. The kids were thrilled. Smiles all around. They gathered their treasures and took them to their rooms. They all stayed in the rooms looking at them again. I finally called them to have birthday cake and ice cream. We sang in Russian and then in English - Happy Birthday and they blew out the candles. What fun! What joy. There were two cakes. One blue with most of the boys names and another green with the girls names. I cut the blue cake first. I could hear the girls talking in Russian about their names on the green cake. I understood they not only wanted the green cake but their name. It is best described as chopping up the cake to cut out each girls name so they could eat that specific piece of cake. I knew I would have laughed at my own children if they had asked for such a thing. I ignored the girls first request besides they were just talking, not specifically to me. But as I was cutting the blue cake I realized....they may have never had a birthday cake before. They may never have their name on a cake again. Silly of me to not give them what they want. So to chopping up the cake to give them their names off a cake that was probably their first birthday cake ever! Simple gift. Joy, thank you and smiles.
We planned to go to bed early. We had company here until late. Nobody went to bed early.
Looking forward to being in church tomorrow. I'm already hearing praise music...in my head.
And Sean if your reading this....Mrs Lisa and I do not apologize for throwing our cups of water on you...your mother would have approved.
Loving some of our bedtime routines here. Tickles, the kids snacks and laughs!