Things have not slowed down since the orphans left.
This week I have been working on a newsletter. It has been a challenge for me. Computer work is not my gift. God is stretching me!
I've also been trying to make a cd that we could give to pastors, small groups or churches to introduce our ministry. It needs more work. Trying to learn how to type words and copy slide show to cd or dvd.
Be Joyful in Hope: our mission is to give hope and joy to Ukraine orphans.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Today I posted and then took a short nap. Then cleaned part of the house. There is still so much cleaning to do. The laundry is unending.
We went to the Hansen's to help prepare their home for the arrival of Vicka and Dima. It was a joy to see many helping get their home ready and providing for a welcome party. Many friends came to greet them. Some came to clean that did not even know the family. Awesome how others are willing to help strangers because they are Christians. We had a great time. The teen girls were unending in their conversations. They are so glad to see each other.
The night is ending with a mom and 2 children sleeping in our home. We had not met them before tonight. But they came all the way from TN to meet the new additions to the Hansen family. I heard the quite voice of God say "invite them to your home." The first instant thought is "hospitality is not my gift." The next is "they are strangers." The next "I just had 12 children living in my home and I need to show hospitality to others because it is in the Word of God." I am enjoying hearing the 2 small boys giggling. A house of joy. Love it.
We went to the Hansen's to help prepare their home for the arrival of Vicka and Dima. It was a joy to see many helping get their home ready and providing for a welcome party. Many friends came to greet them. Some came to clean that did not even know the family. Awesome how others are willing to help strangers because they are Christians. We had a great time. The teen girls were unending in their conversations. They are so glad to see each other.
The night is ending with a mom and 2 children sleeping in our home. We had not met them before tonight. But they came all the way from TN to meet the new additions to the Hansen family. I heard the quite voice of God say "invite them to your home." The first instant thought is "hospitality is not my gift." The next is "they are strangers." The next "I just had 12 children living in my home and I need to show hospitality to others because it is in the Word of God." I am enjoying hearing the 2 small boys giggling. A house of joy. Love it.
Back to Ukraine
Yesterday we were very tired and it was hard to get up. None of us wanted to miss telling the children good bye at the airport. My team, 4 older daughters, had worked endlessly with these children over the past 3 weeks. Volunteers had been scarce. This has been excellent training in missions for my children. I look forward to hearing what they learned and how they grew through this experience. Some things are evident in their lives. It is awesome to see God at work in your children and other children.
We love each of the hosted orphans. We spent time getting to know each of them. This is not the first time we have said good bye to orphans at the airport. This time was harder for me. Hopefully this is not the last time either. We have already begun discussing hosting next year.
At the airport, there are always people crying, both Americans and Ukrainians. I've listened to a song many times, "better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere." I've been asked if it was cruel to bring them here and then send them back. I go on vacation knowing that I have to go back home! I can't stay at the beach forever. Better to go on vacation than to never leave home (or the orphanage). Better to rest, relax, do new things, live life to the fullest than to stay home (in the orphanage). We tend to eat different foods on vacation too. These orphans ate as much fruit as they wanted on their vacation. They had milk, yogurt, and meat. These precious children have incredible memories of their trip! They made new friends, experienced new things and learned that we are praying for them. We encouraged them to talk to God and read His Word the Bible. We laughed with them and cried with them. We bandaged their wounds and were at times baffled by what they were saying. We gave our all because "to live is Christ and to die is gain." We died to our normal schedules. Serving God by serving these children became our goal. Die to for Christ. Living for Christ includes some wonderful blessings. Oh, how I wish some of you had joined us on this journey. I wish you had seen their precious faces and laughed with them. I am at a loss this morning without them. Only 5 children in the house, not 18. This will take some adjustment and quickly because it is school time here and in Ukraine.
I want to say a special thanks to the Davies family for hosting the children the last week. They were a blessing in many ways. We enjoyed getting to know their family better. Their home became our second home for the week. We are grateful for the open home policy that they showed to visitors. Suzette and I both plan to work on the next job set before us. We will welcome home Sophia, Vicka and Dima. We rejoice at their arrival after a long journey.
Thank you to everyone that prayed, donated and helped. I feel compelled to say that in the last 3 weeks the money we received has been from a child's birthday party, and two young ladies that recently graduated from high school. I love that it is children helping children. I'm blessed to know all 3 of these young ladies personally and am grateful for their hearts and their giving to the orphans. We are still short of the funds needed to pay for the plane tickets. My heart is missions. For me to be doing missions is God's perfect will. Not that I am perfect because I am not. But that when I am obeying and serving God I am content and filled with joy. My husband's gift is giving. I'm so glad God put us together. He is also the rock that I hug when I don't need to cry. He gives me strength to endure the loss of children in our home. He quietly pays for my mission trip to Ukraine. We have not had a family vacation this year because of me going to Ukraine in Feb. Some of our children have been blessed to go on vacation with friends. My children know that I believe God provides as He sees fit to provide. He could have had someone pay for the trip in Feb. But that is not how it worked. We give our all to God. That means we give our time, money, work and energy our prayers, our hopes and dreams. People ask what happens if the tickets are not paid for this year. It is simple. We go to the bank and borrow the money just as we did last year. All that we have is God's. God is our provider. We are His servants. We do what it takes to get the job done that He gives us. We know He will provide for us through it all in the way He sees fit.
Thank you again for joining us as we serve God through missions to orphans. May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. Blessings and prayers to each and all.
We love each of the hosted orphans. We spent time getting to know each of them. This is not the first time we have said good bye to orphans at the airport. This time was harder for me. Hopefully this is not the last time either. We have already begun discussing hosting next year.
At the airport, there are always people crying, both Americans and Ukrainians. I've listened to a song many times, "better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere." I've been asked if it was cruel to bring them here and then send them back. I go on vacation knowing that I have to go back home! I can't stay at the beach forever. Better to go on vacation than to never leave home (or the orphanage). Better to rest, relax, do new things, live life to the fullest than to stay home (in the orphanage). We tend to eat different foods on vacation too. These orphans ate as much fruit as they wanted on their vacation. They had milk, yogurt, and meat. These precious children have incredible memories of their trip! They made new friends, experienced new things and learned that we are praying for them. We encouraged them to talk to God and read His Word the Bible. We laughed with them and cried with them. We bandaged their wounds and were at times baffled by what they were saying. We gave our all because "to live is Christ and to die is gain." We died to our normal schedules. Serving God by serving these children became our goal. Die to for Christ. Living for Christ includes some wonderful blessings. Oh, how I wish some of you had joined us on this journey. I wish you had seen their precious faces and laughed with them. I am at a loss this morning without them. Only 5 children in the house, not 18. This will take some adjustment and quickly because it is school time here and in Ukraine.
I want to say a special thanks to the Davies family for hosting the children the last week. They were a blessing in many ways. We enjoyed getting to know their family better. Their home became our second home for the week. We are grateful for the open home policy that they showed to visitors. Suzette and I both plan to work on the next job set before us. We will welcome home Sophia, Vicka and Dima. We rejoice at their arrival after a long journey.
Thank you to everyone that prayed, donated and helped. I feel compelled to say that in the last 3 weeks the money we received has been from a child's birthday party, and two young ladies that recently graduated from high school. I love that it is children helping children. I'm blessed to know all 3 of these young ladies personally and am grateful for their hearts and their giving to the orphans. We are still short of the funds needed to pay for the plane tickets. My heart is missions. For me to be doing missions is God's perfect will. Not that I am perfect because I am not. But that when I am obeying and serving God I am content and filled with joy. My husband's gift is giving. I'm so glad God put us together. He is also the rock that I hug when I don't need to cry. He gives me strength to endure the loss of children in our home. He quietly pays for my mission trip to Ukraine. We have not had a family vacation this year because of me going to Ukraine in Feb. Some of our children have been blessed to go on vacation with friends. My children know that I believe God provides as He sees fit to provide. He could have had someone pay for the trip in Feb. But that is not how it worked. We give our all to God. That means we give our time, money, work and energy our prayers, our hopes and dreams. People ask what happens if the tickets are not paid for this year. It is simple. We go to the bank and borrow the money just as we did last year. All that we have is God's. God is our provider. We are His servants. We do what it takes to get the job done that He gives us. We know He will provide for us through it all in the way He sees fit.
Thank you again for joining us as we serve God through missions to orphans. May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. Blessings and prayers to each and all.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The last day
A day of reflection.
What did we do right? What could we do better?
How will we spend our last few hours with the 12? That one is easy. Trying to let them be children, have fun, play and laugh. Did you know every boy hosted is ticklish? All 12 have beautiful smiles. It is not very Ukrainian to smile. They all give great hugs. They all want to be hugged.
Little time for posting.
Visitors welcome 9 to 9 today at the Davies. Swimming and just hanging out with each other. God equips the called. What has God called you to do today? Will you do it?
Needs? Prayer, funds, suitcases, fruit and some to smile and laugh with them today.
Join our foreign mission trip brought home to Alabama. Some will never go overseas on missions. This is your chance to be on mission with Ukrianians in Alabama.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
We will be going to Desoto Cavern tomorrow. We would love to have helpers with us tomorrow on our field trip. We will be back at the Davies around 4:30 and visitors are welcome to come and swim. Visitors welcome until 9.
Tuesday is the orphans last day in the U.S. We will be packing in the morning and could use some help. If you are available please let us know.
In the afternoon we will go to the local arcade. Please join us.
Tuesday evening visitors welcome from 4:30-9
Wednesday morning, leaving for airport at 9. Arriving about 10 for check in. Departing Birmingham at 12. Please pray for the group. It will be hard for them to leave. It will take about 24 hours for them to get back to Poltava. The 2 from another region will have an even longer trip.
Call me for more details!
We visited The Church at Brookhills this morning. It was great to see friends. We enjoyed the service.
The children loved the lake day today. It was a day full of smiles and fun. Thanks to the Naden's for having us over and cooking dinner. Thanks to Gabe for bringing his boat. I think lake days are my favorite day. The children all have fun. I'm glad this group was able to go on such short notice. Beautiful day!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sunny Saturday
It was a gorgeous day outside today. The cool breeze to helped beat the heat.
I must say I did not have a godly attitude this morning. I wanted to be at the Davies early. My son wanted to be somewhere this morning and Ricky drove him. The girls were slow to get ready. I wanted them to help pack towels, food and drink. They wanted to look pretty and they did. I let them know that I did not get the morning with the orphans because I was waiting on everyone. I called Ricky and he hurried back and we loaded up and as we left...."wait upon the Lord". Rebuked! I wanted to leave Ricky and go without him. I did not act on my desires. He was willing to spend his Saturday with us and the orphans so I wanted him there too. Dying to self happens a lot, all throughout the day. It is not a one time deal. You don't surrender to God and your perfect. I'd like that. But we all have things that we should die to every day. None of us are perfect. So as we are driving I'm fussing at myself. At my age, I know God's timing and will is perfect. I know that God has a reason. I know I'm glad my husband is with us. Dying to self, to live for Christ has great rewards!
We had an awesome day watching the orphans swim, bike, play games and laugh.
Never hire me for a life guard. I dunked more kids than I saved. The one I rescued (ha..fake rescued), I waited till he came closer and would not drowned me. My Christlike attitude of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" might have changed into joy as I dunked the three boys that pushed me into the pool. They did not pay for what they had done. They reaped the benefits of having and adult in the pool to play with them and hug them and dunk them. They loved it and came back for more over and over again. Tough job? Try it.
Part of the joy of the day is sitting and telling others about our families journey in adoption, hosting and camp. As Toby Mac sings "don't even get me started". In other words it is hard to get me to stop talking about the ministry to orphans. No apologies. Someone has to be their voice and help them. I'm willing and able to help give them a voice.
My day is ending with a large lab tearing up my magazine. I watered plants at 11:00p.m. hoping to save some of my plants. They have been neglected lately. I enjoy my flowers. I enjoy the time with the 12 more.
I told someone today that it makes me a better mom to my 7 to host orphans. Their time here is short. I want it to be fun, meaningful and memorable. Our time on earth is short. I don't say this lightly and please don't be offended. But we went to the funeral home last night. One of my children felt bad she was not crying. I explained to her that we both knew that our friend was in a better place. The children we work with are not going to a better place when the die. They are not going to a better place when the return. Our job is to give hope. Hope in Christ. Hope in a better future. The knowledge that God loves them and they can pray to God anywhere anytime. What an awesome job to have. To give hope.
Thanks to all that have helped to make it an awesome trip for them. Every year it is a reminder of what is important in our lives and what is not. So many have blessed us this year. Forgive me if I seem hurried and take you for granted. This ministry exists because people give their time, money and efforts to help orphans. What you do is done "to the least of these". Thank you notes will just have to wait until they leave.
It has been beautiful to watch my children in action this year. Heather spent many nights getting the two girls in her room to sleep. Andrew has been an awesome brother figure to the three boys in his room. Most nights he has had help in getting them to sleep. Haley has translated for us and it has been wonderful to have her doing it. Rachel and Amy are both adored by the kids and some of their favorite play toys. Christ in working in and through them. It is a privilege as a mom to watch and see them teach others and to be kind.
Be kind. I really messed up one day. We were at a friends swimming. One of the older boys was getting rough with the girls and pushing them in way too much. I sent for Andrew and asked him to push the boy in to let him know he was not the biggest and strongest. That did not go to well. Andrew easily pushed him in the pool. What followed I never would have guessed. The boy punched Andrew. Andrew steps back. The boys lunges forward and kicks Andrew. I called Andrew over to me. He went into the house. I tried to explain it was my fault. The boy did not want to listen. He was too angry. The next mornings devotion included my mistake. The focus was not on the boys mistake but mine. We have a rule of not hitting for any reason. I should not have asked Andrew to push him into the pool. Andrew handled it beautifully. His training and patience paid off. I was proud! Ok, that was not in the devotion. The boy accepted my apology. All was forgiven and fine, he even laughed about it. Lessons learned. These orphans live a tough life. They are used to defending themselves. How awesome that he was not hit back. How awesome he saw forgiveness in action. How awesome how quickly he forgave me. God at work in their lives. Sorry you missed it.
I wish more joined us on this journey. My friend is on this journey with us now. She informed me that she deleted my emails without reading them. That she had no intention of getting involved. She listened to God. Not me, I'm nothing but a servant. She heard God leading her. It is fun to watch and to be around as others are led and listen to God! Love it when new people get involved. You never know what God will do.
Friday, August 26, 2011
The 12 move to the Davies
Yesterday morning we helped pack the 12 to move them to the Davies home. This is new to our ministry. Our hope is they will meet new people, others will learn about the 100,000 orphans in Ukraine, the orphans will see different things in the state and to keep them out of the orphanage longer. We want them to have good nutrition and fun as long as possible.
It was hard just sending them to another host home. Some cried the night before. Some cried while we were packing them. Some wanted to stay at our home. After they all left we took a nap! We also began washing tons of laundry. Yes, some of us cried after they left.
Rachel and Haley had a volleyball game about 15 minutes away from where the orphans are staying. We washed some of their clothes and planned to return them last night. Everyone in my car was so excited to see them. All the kids were talking and I made a wrong turn. There was a protest that it would take another long 5 minute red light to see them. When we neared the home my children cheered at being there. We opened the doors and the hugs and laughs began. I went into the kitchen to say hello to some friends. Almost all of the orphans came to find me to hug me. Some came for more than one hug.
The were all having a good time. Some playing video games, others watching movies and some just simply enjoying playing with toys. They do no have much opportunity to play with toys in the orphanage. Simple things we take for granted for our children are rarities for them. Many of them had spent the day swimming. Several could not swim when they arrived and have learned to swim. The younger children do not have an opportunity to swim in Ukraine.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. Trying to get my crew to come home was not easy. Although they were tired they did not want to leave. As I feared we had a couple of stow aways in the car. I had tried to unlock the car after good byes and have my children by the car doors. I had to convince the extra children we would see them at bowling today and they had to stay there.
This morning the house is quiet. It will not be filled with the joyful noises of 12 orphans. My children will begin to get back to a routine of school. We will pray for the orphans. Join us in praying God's will be done in their lives. Pray for them as they enjoy a little more time in Alabama.
Bowling today at 2:00 at Lightning Strikes in Trussville. We would love for people to sponsor an orphan to bowl. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The last day at our home.
We had a great day yesterday. The morning was filled with me getting birthday cards, gifts and trying not to cry. So I called my husband and said "Chuck E Cheese". We decided to go to the movies first. We had told them we would the day we took them to shop. We ran out of time because the orphans took so long shopping and we had to make it home for the bonfire. I never like to tell them I will do something and not follow through. So, a movie and popcorn...many buckets full. Then off to Chuck's to play. They had a great time. Snacks for all and then off to church. We arrived early and let them play on the playground.
The children went to eat while I worked on the pictures to show during church. They came back with cokes and boxes of popcorn and what seemed to be hyped up from the coke. I reminded them we were at church and needed to be quieter.
They said the "Lord's Prayer" in Ukrainian for the service and out they went to have their own class translated then hang out with the youth. I was blessed to speak about them, camp and mission plans. I went over the allotted time but had great response and questions from the church.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My birthday
Today is my birthday and all in the house know it. They have been reminding me for days. I'll be cooking breakfast for 20.
These orphans are people with hearts and faces. With hearts so big that when we tell them they can spend $10 at the store some of them spend $4, $5 and more on me! I protested to the $4 Mom card. I insisted someone tell them to make me one instead. By the time we left the store they were all over budget because several were getting me gifts I was getting them $5 dresses. That is humbling. That is a blessing. I'm about to be the proud owner of a mom cup from one of the orphans. I have been their mom for the past 2 weeks and they are grateful for the time here in our home. I fix their hurts, kiss their heads, hug them, tell them I love them and will soon send them back. I've encouraged them to read the Bible and pray. I tell them God will "never leave them nor forsake them".
They have had more than one mom while they are here. We have had moms come drive them, play with them, cook for them, sponsor trips and bless them in many ways. Thank you to all the families and friends that have come out and spent time with the orphans.
This may be their only chance to be a part of a family. I hope they take what they have learned and choose well for themselves. We have talked about not settling and marring someone who drinks, smokes or cusses. We have discussed that God loves them and we are to love one another. We have sat together as a family having awesome devotions. I'll miss it.
Most of you know we have 4 biological children. After 3 it was not hard to even the number to 4. With one it seemed overwhelming and all time consuming. Most parents wonder if they could love another child as much. When the next one comes you do. They are unique and different and special in their own way. We love them all. It was the same in adding 3. Could we love them like our own. I knew from the moment that I knew who God was calling us to adopt that I did love them. They are all different and yes treated differently.
My oldest adopted daughter has friends that are now prostitutes in Ukraine. These girls have a horrible future ahead of them. It has been a reality check for her. She knows she is blessed to be here. She loves God and she loves us. She is doing a beautiful job translating for prayers, Bible and whatever is needed. I love that she is safe in our home and blessing others.
Yes, at times I'm overwhelmed. I'm responsible for 18 children. Ok, no problem. The overwhelming part is sending 12 back to an orphanage. These are great kids that have sad futures ahead of them. Over 60% of the girls end up in prostitution. The boys have only a 30% chance of getting a job. They are "graduated" from the orphanages at 15 or 16. They have no support from family to help them through trade school or college. We have a 15 year old here and two 14 year olds. What will their future be?So for my birthday I'd like the plane tickets paid. I'd like to go forward with camps next summer in Ukraine and in the US. I'd like to hire 2 Ukrainians @ $200 a month to work in their own country as missionaries to orphans and the poor. My wish is big. My life if full. Full on ministry and being a mom. Doing what I know God called me to do. This started as a mission of our family. Hosting 8 in 2008. This in 2011 with 2 weeks of camp, hosting 12 and raising funds for missionaries. God is growing our ministry. If you are willing help us to serve orphans and bless them. Tax deductible donations can be made to Living Word Ministries, PO Box 1085, Pinson, AL 35126.
May God bless you and the orphans.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Bonfire and hot dog roast tonight at 6:30. Everyone welcome. Bring a friend. This will be the last night we will be home with the orphans. We will be with them at church tomorrow night and then they will move to another host home.
If you would like to bring something let me know or just show up!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Visiting friends
What to talk about?
This morning we went swimming with the Sharitt family. The kids did not want to leave. They had a great time. I had planned to swim but there were too many children to watch.
We came home for lunch.
Afternoon ride to a friends house? Well, Gamal and Ivan were sitting up front with me and Toby Mac was again cranked up too loud as we were going to a friends house. The boys were pretend crazy driving. I forget there is soup in the car and drive a little crazy, pretending it is Ivan's fault, a little soups spills and we all laughed hilariously. Then I teach them to bob their heads to the beat as we drive. After that they both help drive? Ok, not help but have their hands on the wheel. I'm thinking we are all living life to the fullest and being a little crazy and everyone is having fun.
We get to the Hardiman's home and Dennis is so excited to see the horses. He is asking to ride. Cary is gone. Dima is up in the club house like he is in his own castle. Cary returns and by the time I get down to the barn Dennis is on a horse having a blast. I asked who wants to ride and many hands go up in the air. They all get a turn riding the horse. Dennis ask for a second turn and gets one. Then the children help to wash and brush the horse. Khristina braids the horses hair. Meanwhile other children are petting horses and skateboarding. Alina is holding a dog like it is a baby doll.
The boys are asking if we are finished or coming back. No interpreter. I asked if they were asking to come back tomorrow. They said day after tomorrow. Next thing I know they are telling the others we will come back day after tomorrow. Slight problem with communication at times.
As we head back to the house several fall asleep. They are all awake enough to get another snack before bed. The older boys are sleeping on the trampoline tonight.
18 children is a lot of work and a lot of fun.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Simple gifts
Some ask how we do this....I'm again ready to cry. My heart is so full.
I was disappointed to have such small gifts for the orphans. No time to shop. No luggage for each child. I'm with them almost every minute of the day. They were so excited this morning. We did a devotion and took a vote on who wanted to go apple picking, 11 0f the 12. Ricky was to take them to pick apples and I planned to cook lunch. I let them know there would be a birthday party for all 12 after lunch. Someone donated cakes, another donated chips and party supplies, another veggies, another ice cream, everything we needed for the party. Several sent or brought gifts. Simple gifts like a bag with bubbles and candy or glow sticks or coloring supplies. The kids were thrilled. Smiles all around. They gathered their treasures and took them to their rooms. They all stayed in the rooms looking at them again. I finally called them to have birthday cake and ice cream. We sang in Russian and then in English - Happy Birthday and they blew out the candles. What fun! What joy. There were two cakes. One blue with most of the boys names and another green with the girls names. I cut the blue cake first. I could hear the girls talking in Russian about their names on the green cake. I understood they not only wanted the green cake but their name. It is best described as chopping up the cake to cut out each girls name so they could eat that specific piece of cake. I knew I would have laughed at my own children if they had asked for such a thing. I ignored the girls first request besides they were just talking, not specifically to me. But as I was cutting the blue cake I realized....they may have never had a birthday cake before. They may never have their name on a cake again. Silly of me to not give them what they want. So to chopping up the cake to give them their names off a cake that was probably their first birthday cake ever! Simple gift. Joy, thank you and smiles.
We planned to go to bed early. We had company here until late. Nobody went to bed early.
Looking forward to being in church tomorrow. I'm already hearing praise my head.
And Sean if your reading this....Mrs Lisa and I do not apologize for throwing our cups of water on you...your mother would have approved.
Loving some of our bedtime routines here. Tickles, the kids snacks and laughs!
Today a day at the host home.
Birthday party for all 12 orphans at 2.
Tomorrow breakfast and church at First Baptist Palmerdale
Lunch at Living Word
Afternoon at the host home and visitors welcome!
Monday Swimming, Sharitt
Lunch at host home by Lifeline
Afternoon at the host home.
Wednesday night dinner at The Church at Bradford Road
Thursday morning the orphans move to another host home.
Visitors welcome 1-9 at Davies home.
Friday 2:00 Lightning Strikes bowling, come join the fun.
Visitors welcome at host home after dinner.
Saturday visitors welcome at the host home.
Luau time will be announced.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I know...
As I was asking God what Words He had for me today. He led me to some familiar Scriptures and reminders. That what I allow into my head comes out of it. I need to spend more time praising God. Forgetting things said that are left unfinished. I know "all things work together for the good of those who love God." I know "I can do all things through Christ." I know "He will never leave me or forsake me" and "By faith Abraham..". It has been and incredible summer. We started out thinking we may need $50,000 to do 2 week of camp in Ukraine and host 10 orphans. Before I left the US we were figuring $40,000 for both. We did a longer camp than expected and are hosting 12 orphans instead of 10. We know God completely provided for camp in Ukraine. I have had many Bible lessons this year about abundant giving. I'm giving my time, money, heart, and... my all. It is well with my soul. I had the sad report that over the last week there were no checks in the PO Box. I knew once the orphans were here it is almost impossible to raise the funds. We are so busy with the children that there is little time for emails or post. We still lack over $6,000 for airfare.
Thank you to all that have given time, money, food, paper goods and sponsored outings. Awesome!
The joy I have of Dennis sitting by my side as I type this is overwhelming. I peeked in this morning to see if the boys were still asleep. So sweet to see them sleeping. They were smiling in their sleep. I love these kids! God's love is perfect. His love pours out of us if it is in us.
We had a great day at the zoo yesterday. Yes, it was hot!. Cool breezes and shady trees were a blessing. The kids played in the splash area for a long time. Then we went to the petting zoo. Thank you to those that sponsored the day. It was great.
Last night they went to the Elliott's for dinner. I slipped away a few hours to watch Rachel start in the first volleyball game of the season. I returned to many hugs, orphans yelling "mama" and "my home". We sat and talked awhile and then I informed Ricky that many were asking to go home. I love it. They feel at home, in our home, that is how it should be. When we were building our home we gave it to God for His use. We are a little surprised at how God has chosen to use our home, but we love it. What a blessing to be called to work with orphans. Orphans are just children with no parents, wanting to be loved. They need love.
Today we go to the McWane Center at 10.
So it's midnight and today we went to the McWane Center. We all had a great time. Thank you to the sponsors, drivers and helpers. This ministry works because of individuals willing to step outside their comfort zone and play with orphans.
To answer a huge question that comes up often "YES, I GET ATTACHED and NO, IT IS NOT EASY TO SEND THEM BACK." Sometimes it is harder than others. Last year I did a great job keeping my guard up. We only had our 3 adopted children a year. This year we have past the two year mark. There is still a lot of learning going on for our 3 adoptees. But I've been in camp in Ukraine for over 2 weeks and came back with 12 orphans and I'm tired and a little sick and a lot in love with these kids. I'll not say overworked or underpaid. My work seems never enough. There are always more orphans. 100,000 in Ukraine. My pay is the best! I get paid in hugs and smiles and laughs and the joy of knowing these children are happy for a little while and fed well and eating fruit and playing and having the time of their lives and learning I love them and God loves them. A life serving God rocks. It is an awesome, incredible journey.
So I'm awake at 12 a.m. having a 17 hour day. We just had some great people come over and I was blessed to share our home awhile with them. Truly happy each one came and thrilled for others to meet the orphans. (Hospitality is not my gift. Working on it. Let's not start on my faults tonight:)
I know my God will take care of these children. How will He do it? Oh I wish I knew. I hope they all fall in love with God and serve Him and endure. How can I do this? "For nothing is impossible with God." I believe the Bible to be true, every Word. Please pray for these precious orphaned children and my family as we serve God bringing foreign missions into our home. Join us. Dare you to. You won't regret it. Know Satan will try to stop you. Put on the full armor of God. Seek God's will for your life. Serve God somewhere, somehow or here in our home. Love to all. Peace.... hope..... joy........... joyful in hope... for these orphans.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
17th Wednesday we will be at home doing crafts and playing until 4. If anyone has a craft for 12 or just willing to come help, visitors are welcome until 4.
4:30 Playing in the gym at Living Word, supper and church.
18th Thursday - Birmingham Zoo @ 9 a.m. (anyone want to make a picnic for us or join us at the zoo?)
5:30 Elliott's home dinner
19th Friday - McWane center @ 10:00 - We would love to have a few more chaperones.
5:30 dinner at home
6:00-9:30 Visitors welcome at host home
20th Saturday - Day at host home - visitors welcome
2:00-4:00 Birthday party for all 12 orphans - please come - if you bring a gift, bring one for all 12 orphans. Suggestions: bubbles, sunglasses, balls, markers, coloring books, backpacks, jean, tennis shoes or carry on luggage. You could get a group or friends to help bless these orphans.
Fruit, bottled water, Caprisuns, snacks and meals are needed daily. The orphans eat about 3 servings of fruit a day = 36 servings. We are trying to give them nutritious food. These children rarely are given fruit or meat.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Plan
By this time in my life I've learned the best plans are a waste of time if God is not in them and designing them. I had no internet for a few days before I came back with 12 orphans. That means I had no way to check to see if people were helping in any way. With lack of communication comes lack of work or help. I arrived to one volunteer driver that bought outfits and pajamas times 12. My mom, who in any pinch can be called and does what she can to help had a home cooked meal for us all. It has been a blessing to see mom sponsor kids to camp, send craft supplies and clothes and then to come home with her in my kitchen and dinner ready. Blessings
I usually have a plan of where we are going, when, how and with whom. Not this year. We arrived with no set plans. Breakfast was planned for the first day after that it has been uncertainty as to what will come next. I want you to understand, by this time in my life I'm ok with trusting God for our daily bread times 20. A few have asked for our schedule, well to be honest it is pretty open. Now that is not my normal way of doing things. I like things planned. But when I was spending time with God (complaining), I could hear the question, "Is your way better than mine?" No, my way is not better. So I'm accepting this year is again different. Walking in blind faith for our schedule. Trusting God that His way is best. So be patient. Watch for changes and accept that I'd love to give you the plan but our Creator has not made it clear to me yet. I'd be wasting my time to make the plan because it would not be good enough and it would change. So...if you want to help with a field trip or sponsor one let me know.
What we have done so far:
Monday we went to the Hafners to swim, play ball and jump on the trampoline. We stayed at home for the evening and ate Borscht.
Sunday we went to church at Trussville United Methodist and spent the day at home.
Saturday we spent at the Davies swimming until late.
Friday a day at the host home. The orphans played basketball, volleyball, played on the swing set, rode bikes and met a few Americans.
Arrived Thursday the 11th around 6:30 to the airport and 7:30 we were home.
The Plan:
Tomorrow, Tuesday we will wash clothes, let the orphans try on some gently used clothes, play here at the host home and stay at home until the evening. Visitors welcome all day.
Lunch Borscht and Dinner the Tucker's
At 6:00pm we will go to Trussville Playstation to skate and play laser tag. $2 for each. The orphans will also drive the cars. We would love to see you there.
Wednesday at 4:30 we will go to Living Word to play in the gym. Dinner at 5:00 and church at 6:30.
Thursday dinner at the Elliotts at 5:30.
Friday the Mann family is bringing dinner.
We are considering: McWane, Oak Mountain, the Birthday Party (maybe Fri or Sat night), shopping for the orphans (we need 12 $20 gift cards and families to help the orphans shop), Huntsville Space Center.
Skinny arms, we see a lot of those here. Just plain skinny. Part of the reason we host is to provide fruit and healthy meals to the orphans. They are precious in His sight.

I talked about Candace yesterday. I'm adding a little more today. She found out we had no meals scheduled. A young woman in her 20's, she went to the store bought a meal for yesterday, a few for the pantry and what we needed for breakfast today too. A generous spirit, she learned it from her parents. That is just another example of seeing the body of Christ working to serve orphans. Candace and Rachel are both planning on going to camp in Ukraine next year. They are requesting to go longer than 2 weeks. If we get enough funding for camp we can do camps in different orphanages and villages all summer so children can hear about Jesus. Please pray as we make plans for next year. Remote villages that are not reached means some camps will have poor accommodations.
Last night Rachel was having a fun impromptu English lesson with Dennis (Dean-I like it). They began cooking us a lemon cake. The kitchen was filled with orphans helping and watching. This was a very exciting event. I do not think many of them had cooked at home in a kitchen. The small things mean a lot to these children. No expensive gift involved, just baking a cake and lots of fun.
It's before 8a.m. Most of the children are awake. Ricky has gone to work. One adult and 18 children. If you have time please volunteer. Thank you.
Today we are going swimming at the Hafner's. Tonight we will be at home. Come get blessed and meet these precious children. What can you do? Play ball? Hug? Trust God and serve Him by...playing...yes, playing. Off to cook breakfast.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Swimming at the Davies
Sunday of rest
The house is full! It is great. The welcome mat is out.
We went to church and on the way home we were passing McDonalds. So yes, I gave in. They were asking, in Ukrainian and talking about how good it was. A quick call to Ricky in the other car and to McDonalds for lunch. They fixed their own fountain drink for the first time all by themselves. They were very excited. This was their treat for sitting through church, in English, they understood very little, if any.
Two of the boys had stuffed themselves so full the other night that they were moaning as they ate their cake. No saving it for later. Their fear someone might get it compelled them to finish it then. We bought Andrey and Dennis 2 McDoubles! They finished them, their fries and my fries too. Smiling faces! Unbelief they could have a second. No asking Dima if he wanted a second he had already eaten one of the girls and some of the other children's fries.
I was trying to find out what one of the boys wanted to be called. Many of them have long names like Tetyana which is Tanya for short. Now many of them are picking what they consider to be pretty names instead of their Ukrainian names. We were just getting the short version down pat! New names? We will see.
Ricky goes back to work tomorrow. Rachel will help drive. Candace is here and helped drive them to church this morning. She offered to help tomorrow too. Her mom Ida and dad Jimmy both died in a motorcycle crash. Ida is the one who first invited me to join the orphans on a lake day. Little did she know that simple invitation would lead to 4 years of hosting, mission trips and camp in Ukraine. Take note: Obedience brings blessing. We do not know how God will use the little things we say or do to His glory.
Sunday of rest....Ricky is napping in the midst of 20 kids! Amazing. More amazing that I am typing too. Uno and Spoons are being played today. The 2 youngest girls are having a nap. Boys are playing video games.
Christine Hansen is home and in the house! Her mom is still in Ukraine adopting 2 and trying to get Alona here on a school visa. Craig, Christine and Benji returned yesterday after a long trip. They were able to join us the second week of camp Hope in Ukraine. So glad they did.
My heart is full. Many blessings. Just driving in my 9 passenger Yukon is a blessing with them. Last night most of them fell asleep on the way home. They were exhausted from a full day of swimming. So sweet to see them all asleep and happy. Today they were talking and laughing. Serving God is fun, hard, blessed, work, a blessing, crazy, loud, and what I love doing.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
12 Orphans in Alabama
The 12 orphans have arrived in AL from 2 different orphanages in Ukraine. Yesterday we spent a day at home trying to recover from jet lag. The orphans played basketball, soccer, volleyball, jumped on the trampoline, made bracelets and watched a movie. They all received an outfit or two, pajamas, bathing suit, toothbrush and a towel.
We are planning on going to the Davies home today. The children are excited about going swimming.
The children were very excited to come to the United States. This is tremendous in their lives. They kept asking on the flight if we were in America yet. They watched the map and were thrilled to see the plane over the US. As we went through passport control they were saying "yes".
Please come and join us on an outing or at the host home. Hang out and play with the orphans. This is an opportunity for all of us to do foreign missions in Alabama.
We still need field trips sponsored and funds for some of their plane tickets. Please help. Please give your time and money to bless orphans.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Last day of Camp
We had a great time at camp. Kids that mocked the songs the first two days....sang them with joy later. The tough's Ukraine.....kissed me on the cheek and said I love you. God has been working in their lives. It has been incredible to watch.
One of our tough guys decided to trust God as his Lord today. Awesome.
The workers too. Many had not talked about what God was doing or had done in their lives. It was great to talk with them and encourage them. We made lots of new friends.
A new connection was made today, in God's perfect timing. It is so amazing to see how and why God puts us together for His purpose. Looking forward to seeing what He will do in the future.
We are already making plans for our next camp!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Busy Day 6
What a day:(
The team left last night. I stayed up until 2:00a.m. afraid I would not hear the driver. He honked at the gate. Yes, at 2:00a.m. I am sure it is him. We walk, in the dark, to the van. They are loaded and ready to go. Hard to leave and hard to stay. I think it was a great experience for all of them.
Ola is beautiful. She has worn the same outfit all 6 days. Her clothes are old and filthy. Her shoes will be posted. They are torn and have a hole in the bottom of them. I asked for them and took them to the house. As I walked to the house I could not longer fight the tears. A new pair, too big, was given. She is happy. She was sitting next to me the last few minutes. She has just left. It was much earlier in the day when the shoes were given. But a new friend has been made. She has had Rachel's heart from the beginning. I carried her into the dorm and washed her feet. Then place the new shoes on her. Humbling. How many pairs of shoes or clothes do my children have? She has one old, faded shirt and with big holes. America is blessed.
Twice today I have cried. The injustice of it all. The things that are taught that may never be undone. The beauty of the innocent. The blessing of being called to be here with other Christians working to bless these precious children.
Yura on day one made fun of the songs. Today he leads them and sings them proudly. He is not ashamed of what he has learned. He has found a safe place. Not reason to fight for things. Three good meals and day and three snacks (2 are fruit and one cookies). He is living the good life. Sad to see the team to go. I watched as it affected him. Today, has played flag football for the second time.
We had a couple join us today. Good God thing. We had only a few workers. The other left for home. More leave later tonight. The schedule changes often. Things we need are not always available. Timings are off. The Ukrainian team girls are used to a strict run camp. Not this one. I like free time. Cancel that, do this later, they don't want to? Ok, we don't make them! One of the workers said this is more like a family than camp. Excellent!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Camp Day 4
Sorry, day 3 no internet.
So many things go one here. We heard that one of the boys is in a foster home. His sisters are in the other foster home that has children here. They have loved being together for the week. It is precious.
Yarislov is 7 and cooks. His hands are peeling from stress. He is not used to playing with other children. He has a sweet spirit.
Yura: HE SANG JESUS LOVES ME TO ME IN ENGLISH! So wonderful. Some were laughing at his English. I loved it! What a change in that boy. He was the trickster.
We had another boy get up and sing a song yesterday. Awesome.
Masha and Vitalik were here some yesterday and I was able to go to the store and get a phone. Yay. I can hopefully find out where people are and work on hosting.
To a Bible group....
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Camp Day 2
I never know what will happen.
Today we came for the 7:45 a.m. meeting. Apparently Jay will be Adam and eat the apple. The children were awoken about 8:00 a.m. We ate Trix for breakfast, brought from the US, and doughnuts with condensed milk.
I met a pastor from Poltava. He was here for other business. He would like help from Americans to do camp in Poltava. He is in the process of building the church. He invited me to come and see it. Praying God's will be done.
OOp kids.
Camp Day 1
What a day! We met with the Ukrainian workers and then the children began arriving. We have had a great start to camp. The workers are all young, as requested. They are sweet in spirit and excited to be here. Our US team was a little jet-lagged. We were happy to have a few minutes break in the afternoon. The day is well planned with Bible, games, song and crafts. Bed at 10 for the orphans.
Our end of the day meeting was at 10:15. I talked with the US team at 9 and they headed to bed. I thought someone should get some sleep. I met with the Ukrainians to discuss day 2. We decided bed at 9:30 for the orphans instead of 10!
My sweetest moment of the day was Yura playing trying to get everyones attention. He is one of the older boys and full of mischief and life. He likes to play tricks. We sang a Christian son to the beat of "We Will Rock You". Americans are already laughing, because of the change in words, but Yura's dancing....hard to describe, but delightfully funny. He has the attention getting personality.
Some may not know but we are at Village of Hope. There are homes for Christian foster families here. There is a real difference in the children of the foster families and the ones from the orphanages. A little love makes a lot of difference. They are dressed better, follow directions better and behave better. It is great to see Christian Ukrainians making a difference.
I hear many churches dream of doing camp but lack the money.
There is no air-conditioning here. It gets hot in the buildings by afternoon. Many homes and apartments do not have air-conditioning. We open the windows to cool off at night.
More to come
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Mission Trip, Camp 2011
Thank you to all that are praying and donated money. Without you the orphans would not be able to come to camp. You are the hands and feet of God.
We look forward to teaching, playing, feeding and seeing the orphans. In a few hours we will be in Ukraine. We are in Texas on our first layover. The rest of the group is playing Phase 10. My time is being spent, well I'm updating the blog and answering emails.
We are partnering with a church in Bucha to teach Bible to orphans. God showed me His plan on my trip in February to Ukraine. I am amazed at God's plan. He had every piece of the puzzle worked out and I just am honored to be a part of it. We are already discussing camp for next year. Several have asked us about going in the fall. We are seeking God's guidance and plan. Please pray with us. We want to be in His perfect will.
We are hoping to have internet access at camp. I have asked the team for the first week to each blog some about their trip. They will introduce themselves.
We are working on the details for the hosting trip August 12-31. Ten orphans will be in one home for a cultural exchange. This blog is for both events; camp in Ukraine and hosting in the U.S.
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