Be Joyful in Hope: our mission is to give hope and joy to Ukraine orphans.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

12 Orphans in Alabama

The 12 orphans have arrived in AL from 2 different orphanages in Ukraine. Yesterday we spent a day at home trying to recover from jet lag. The orphans played basketball, soccer, volleyball, jumped on the trampoline, made bracelets and watched a movie. They all received an outfit or two, pajamas, bathing suit, toothbrush and a towel.
We are planning on going to the Davies home today. The children are excited about going swimming.
The children were very excited to come to the United States. This is tremendous in their lives. They kept asking on the flight if we were in America yet. They watched the map and were thrilled to see the plane over the US. As we went through passport control they were saying "yes".
Please come and join us on an outing or at the host home. Hang out and play with the orphans. This is an opportunity for all of us to do foreign missions in Alabama.
We still need field trips sponsored and funds for some of their plane tickets. Please help. Please give your time and money to bless orphans.